Steam Link Modern Xbox Controller Driver


  1. Samsung Steam Link Xbox Controller
  2. Steam Link Modern Xbox Controller Driver Download

Go into the main Steam Link settings menu, and then select Settings > System. On the latest versions of the Steam Link software, you should see an option to “Switch to Modern Xbox Controller Driver.” Select it. The menu will prompt you to restart the Steam Link device, so go ahead and do that. Steam Client’s Latest Update Adds Universal Controller Support & Remappable Buttons Across Platform. Open-source graphics drivers on modern distributions. On open-source graphics drivers.

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Posted by2 years ago

Hi All,

I have a Xbox Wireless controller which I use with an USB cable. If I connect it directly to my computer to one of its USB ports, all works fine. Steam app sees it as Xinput and I can control the Big Picture interface and play all games with it.

If I connect it to my Steam Link, things are not working that well. The Steam Link itself recognizes the controller right away as Xbox Controller and I can use it to navigate the Steam Link menus.

The problem is when I connect to my computer in the Steam Link menu. The Big Screen Steam app doesn't see or detect the controller at all. I can't use the interface and obviously I can't play any games.

I have no issues whatsoever with the native Steam Controller connected to the Steam Link, that works fine everywhere.


I am using the beta channel on the Steam link and the non-beta Windows Steam app on Windows 10.

Any ideas as to what could be wrong ?
