Download Google Chrome Linux Mint

Install Google Chrome on Linux Mint 19. Update repository index. Sudo apt update. To Install Google Chrome Stable, use the below command. Sudo apt install -y google-chrome-stable. Want to try Google Chrome beta, run: sudo apt install -y google-chrome-beta Access Google Chrome Graphical Mode. Go to Menu >> Internet >> Google Chrome. Nov 21, 2018 - You should go to the Chrome Website, Click Download and Click de.deb file downloaded.

Google Chrome is the most popular web browser in 2017 and Linux Mint, the most popular Linux distro. For those of you who're new to Linux, let's see how to install Google Chrome in Linux Mint 18.

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Google Chrome is a proprietary app, so it is not included in Mint's repositories. You cannot use the built-in Software Manager to install it. Instead, we will use a bunch of commands to install it. The instructions below are applicable to any edition of Linux Mint including XFCE, Cinnamon, MATE and KDE editions. I'll use the XFCE edition.

To install Google Chrome in Linux Mint 18, open the root terminal and type these commands one by one.

Confirm the last command when prompted and Chrome will be installed in Linux Mint.

Note: The repository address now requires the explicit architecture specification. You have to add the '[arch=amd64]' portion as show below to get it working.

See the following screenshots of the whole procedure.

Download Google Chrome Linux Mint Rebecca


In the end, you'll find the Google Chrome icon under the Internet category of the apps menu.

It is worth mentioning that instead of Google Chrome, Linux Mint offers you the Chromium browser. Chromium serves as the open source code base for Google Chrome and its derivatives like Opera, Vivaldi and others. It has a user interface similar to Chrome however it lacks some features like Flash and PDF support out-of-the-box, but this can be fixed. It supports all Chrome extensions. If you do not want to install Google Chrome's proprietary package in Linux Mint, Chromium can be a good alternative for you. Linux Mint ships with packages to install Chromium using Software Manager. Open it and type 'chromium' in the search text field.

Look for the line 'Chromium-browser'. You can click it and install the browser. Also, you can install both Chromium and Google Chrome simultaneously, compare them and decide which one is suitable for you.

Download Google Chrome Linux Mint 32-bit

That's it.

RECOMMENDED: Click here to fix Windows errors and optimize system performance

Google Chrome is a multiplatform (Linux, Windows and Mac OS) web browser developed by Google. Google Chrome is most popular browser and used by users.
This tutorial describes how to install Google Chrome web browser in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. This tutorial also work on Ubuntu flavor (Edubuntu, Kubuntu, Lubuntu, UbuntuGnome, Ubuntu Kylin, Ubuntu Studio, Xubuntu) and Ubuntu derivatives ( Linux Mint, Elementay OS, Zorin OS, etc).

Install Google Chrome on Ubuntu from Google official repository

Download Google Chrome Linux Mint

First, setup repository key:

Now, add chrome repositories:

After adding Google chrome repository in our system use following commands to install latest Google chrome stable release.

Install Google Chrome manualy

First, download Google Chrome from officel google site.

For the 64-bit version of Google Chrome, use this command below:

For the 32-bit version of Google Chrome, use this command below.

and install the downloaded package.
64 bit :

32 bit:

Download Google Chrome Linux Mint 32 Bit

Congratulation’s you have successfully installed Google Chrome on Ubuntu system.