Device Serial Number


  • Does this work for you?


    Intelisense says:

  • Sorry I shouldve mentioned that build.Serial doesnt return the user end serial number the one they see on their tablets, thus the reason for the method I am trying to translate which uses reflection to use hidden API, OS.Build returns ro.serial (something like that) but I want ril.serialnumber,

  • @AngelCalvas@DanielTavares is right. The official Android documentation says the same.

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  • edited March 2014

    I found Build.Serial return other serial, not the one show in system setting->about->status,too.

    Have you try to replace 'ril.serialnumber' with 'sys.serialnumber' ?
    I found some device use sys.serialnumber instead.

  • I'm adding device info to forked version of Xamarin.Mobile, here is Android part, iOS and WP are under test.

    I have 2 versions:

    • Android.Build.Serial
    • reading /sys/class/android_usb/android0/iSerial

    Note: this is not stable - Interface will change. I'm thinking of Dictionary returning string string pairs + common names (not sure).



  • Btw. wouldn't it be more C#-ish to make all those methods which take no argument into Properties instead?

  • It would, this was first attempt and because of platform differences and sometimes 'the same name - diffeernt meaning' I'm thinking of returning Dictionary<string, string> where keys would be documented according to platform definitions.

    I mean this is simply style or second R in R&Rs (Rules and Recommendations) which does not affect performance and security. Aesthetic component. Form and function and function was fulfilled and we can discuss the form in endless (meaningless) discussions - which I think are not very productive.

    I promise I'll make those properties

    ... but wait then I cannot make them async if I need. Right?

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  • Guys I did very little, took few hours to read about it, collected information and implemented it in Xamarin/c#. From what I know this should cover a lot of cases. Code needs polishing, but it can be used.

    We needed it for our internal projects and later on reused it on some commercial ones. I'm stuck at iOS and WP part just because I didn't need those badly, but they are comming too.

  • On iOS you can use UIDevice.CurrentDevice for most of the stuff. I.e.:

    Similarly on WindowsPhone:

    I use this in my MvvmCross plugin here:

  • edited July 2014

    It worked for me with this code:

    On some devices 'sys.serialnumber' must be used, but I don't need that at the moment

  • @DanielTavares said:
    Does this work for you?


    Intelisense says:

    This does it!, and it shows gets me the serailnumber that you see in Settings > about phone


Subject: Re: Get Device Serial Number Replied by: David Staudt on 07:35:44 PM Note what you ask can require a lot of database and CPU resources to present on systems with large numbers of phones. When browsing this detailed information, you can find the serial number of a USB device. Examples of USB devices are flash key, mouse, keyboard and wireless adapter.

Device Serial Number Iphone

A serial number identifies a specific device such as an iPhone. Knowing your serial number does not in itself allow you to track your device if it is lost or stolen. However, your local law enforcement agencies may be able to use the serial number to confirm that a device has been stolen and then return it to you. Apple does offer tracking, but the service doesn't rely on a device's serial number.

Types of Numbers

Your iPhone has two numbers that identify it. One is the serial number, which is issued by Apple as the manufacturer. The other is a specific reference number that is associated with individual cellphone handsets (both iPhones and other makes and models). This number is known as the IMEI, MEID or ICCID depending on which type of phone network your iPhone is designed to work on.


Using Serial Number

You can find the serial number on your phone by tapping 'Settings,' then 'General' then 'About.' You can also find the serial number on the original packaging. Apple itself does not use serial numbers for tracking. In some locations, police departments maintain a registry of serial numbers, though you'll usually have to actively add your serial number to the registry. Police departments that run a registry may use it to identify the owner when they find a lost phone or confiscate it from a thief. In some cases, police departments may make the registry available to stores dealing in used property so they can check if any iPhones they receive are stolen.

Using IMEI Number

You can find the IMEI number on your phone by tapping 'Settings,' then 'General' and finally 'About.' You can also find it engraved on the bottom of the rear of the phone case on the iPhone 5 and later, or in the SIM tray of earlier models. Note that if your service provider uses MEID numbers, which are 14 digits, you may need to drop the last digit listed on your device. You cannot use your IMEI number to track your phone. However, if you report your phone as stolen to your cellphone service provider, the provider can use the IMEI number to block the phone from connecting to the service and racking up charges.

Find My iPhone


The only method Apple provides for physically tracking an iPhone is through the free 'Find my iPhone' app. To take advantage of this, you must install and set up the app before your phone is lost or stolen. If and when this happens, you can log into the Find My iPhone website (see Resources) and get a rough physical location of the phone. You can also remotely add a new passcode or remotely erase the data on your phone to stop a thief from gaining access to your information.

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Device Serial Number Lookup

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