Armored Core For Answer Xbox 360 Iso Download

Posted by10 months ago

Download game xbox iso, game xbox Jtag-rgh, google drive direct links torrent game xbox 360, game xbox pal, game xbox ntsc-u, game xbox region free, game xbox ntsc-j, game xbox live arcade. Armored Core for Answer [PAL][NTSC-U][ISO] NAME. Armored Core for Answer. September 16, 2008.


I wanted to take a moment to talk about one of my favorite series ever!

If you have never played Armored Core, you may well have heard of it as this sort of hard as nails Dark Souls of Mechs kind of situation. (Funnily enough, made by the same people)

While that description may not be entirely accurate, that reputation actually comes from one game in particular in the series, and we will get back to that.

Armored Core For Answer Xbox 360 Iso Download

So what is an Armored Core? Long story short, do You remember playing with Legos as a kid? It's that, but with ROBOT PARTS! It's actually not a very complicated game, despite all the stats, You just kinda slap together several categories of parts to make a machine capable of doing a variety of missions and 1 on 1 arena battles. In many ways, just like Dark Souls, it uses a lot of fighting game style mechanics in a third person, very physically reactive scenario. Just like DS, in fact, many of the hitboxes are very exact, things like shoulder and forward shields only adding defense for those sections that are protected. Additionally, a blade cutting through many sections, especially the Core, will do additional damage, up to an instant kill in some very specific situations (Such as a heavy tank, which attacks with a thrusting stab, combined with parts enhancing blade power, a lot of energy, and arms that conduct it well, against a build that is light on Energy Defense)

Armored Core For Answer Xbox 360 Iso Download

The design of all of the games was built around the concept of understanding something as soon as You see it. You see a tank with heavy arms and dual bazookas, You know it's a long range pummeler. You see a light reverse joint chicken looking thing with flamethrowers? Yeah, It's going to roast from above. You see 4 missile launchers plus extensions? Hope You brought Your decoys.

Mechanics-wise, the Dark Souls comparison actually isn't far off, with Your movement always being limited by a replenishing energy bar (derived from Your internal parts), but otherwise being allowed to boost, fly, and maneuver as You see fit. Weapons all function differently, and there's a balance curve based around keeping all parts potentially useful all game.

The arenas are always full of colorful characters, from folks literally just getting tired of office jobs to become mechanized mercenaries, to people there as hobbyists (My favorite being a guy that made an AC from wood, and somehow powers the thing with his muscles).

Now I mentioned earlier that this series got an unfortunate reputation for being hard as nails. For the most part, the games kept a pretty good balance, but also, due to the customize-able nature of the game, attracted a lot of very toxic 'I R TeH 1337n3ss' type of douches. It's actually one of those things that's both a feature of the game, made fun of in the game, and has regularly killed off it's communities for years.

Actually, the point where those players were aped is also the one game that many had often held up for people to try, a game called AC Last Raven. Notoriously difficult, it was also noted for having some of the most annoying antagonists, including one named Evangel, who held himself up as a 'Dominant', and always bragged about how unstoppable he was with his perfect designs (He also cheated, using a powerful cannon without kneeling, that definitely helped) .

I should mention that this game was meant as a swan song to the longest generation of these games.

Normally, every few games, they start from scratch with a newer engine. 3rd gen, in this case, lasted 7 games, 9 if You count the phone games. Last Raven was ending the series on a note where almost the entirety of the generation had been destroyed, and only the filthiest of cheating scumbags survived. This meant that almost every single opponent didn't adhere to the rules (Such as overheat damage, energy limits, stun, or ECM interference). This was because this game was made with the expectation that someone played the 6 leading up to it (One of the 7 was a side game around building AIs), and the difficulty was based around this. In fact, there was an infamous noob trap that caused a lot of people to hate this game, wherein one of Your first 3 possible missions involves a cheating AC who can blow off your limbs in a single lucky shot. I personally had a bit of an unlucky rarity happen my first time where he blew off my primary gun arm and head right in that first mission.

Most of the series, however, is nothing like this. In fact, they have a relatively forgiving learning curve, especially for the numbered games. To clarify, every time they made a new generation, they would release a numbered sequel, and follow it up with weirdly named ones (3 and Silent Line or Nexus, 2 and Another Age, etc).

By and large, this series is an amazing set of individual toyboxes with tweaked rules every time. This Constant change in design led to the other aspect of the community splintering: Gen Wars.

Unfortunately....the same thing kept coming up over and over. One group would love the latest one, with it's PvP, one would love how 4th gen moved, some loved the freedom of early third gen, some loved the balance of late third gen, some loved the absurdity of 2ng gen, and some loved the classic gameplay and great map design of 1st gen. Unfortunately, by refusing to see the series as a giant sandbox instead of a bunch of right and wrongs, the western AC communities rarely lasted.

At any rate, the games themselves are fantastic gems to try out, and something that doesn't often get brought up enough in terms of series that need to come back. Even though AC6 has been all but confirmed, much of the talent for the series went onto other series, such as Daemon Ex Machina or Left Alive. While I personally just want an anthology of the games on PC personally, there's a lot to love about this series, and I hope that one day, it makes a comeback.

If you are curious about more AC stuff, or just like excessively wordy articles Niche Games, maybe you'd consider visiting my site for such things?

Sincerely, Coffee Potato, Lover of robotic LEGOs

(I'll remove that last part if asked)

System: X360, PS3Review Rating Legend
Dev: From Software1.0 - 1.9 = Avoid4.0 - 4.4 = Great
Pub: Ubisoft2.0 - 2.4 = Poor4.5 - 4.9 = Must Buy
Release: Sep. 16, 20082.5 - 2.9 = Average5.0 = The Best
Players: 1-8 (Online)3.0 - 3.4 = Fair
ESRB Rating: Everyone3.5 - 3.9 = Good

For Answer might be a next-gen game, but, at first glance, you wouldn't know it. Aside from the various NEXT, everything in levels - from buildings to transport vehicles - has very little detail. The game also suffers from that fake sheen-look common in early next-gen titles, so the side of a canyon wall looks shiny and water, instead of looking like a fluid, moving object, resembles a sheet of Vaseline. What makes it even worse is the muted color palette. Everything is a shade of gray, blue, or brown. This leads to a bland look that doesn't pop. The audio side isn't as bad as the graphics, but it just sounds so generic that, ultimately, it's not memorable. Nothing - not even explosions - really stand out in a noticeable way.

Online play does throw co-op in the mix, allowing you to play nearly every single-player mission with a friend, but since the levels aren't that fun to play solo, throwing another NEXT in the mix doesn't really boost the fun factor. Up to eight players can participate in a deathmatch-like mode. However, this ends up being chaotic, as NEXTs slide around the screen spamming missiles in every direction.


What's so strange about For Answer is its trading of extensive customization for actual gameplay. Sure, you can build the ultimate mech, customizing it to your heart's content, yet when you actually play the game, you realize its shortcomings. It's like a gear head and their car - it's fun to tinker under-the-hood all day, but if the car isn't actually fun to drive, then it all seems like wasted effort.

By Jason Lauritzen
CCC Freelance Writer

Aside from the impressive looking robots, the environments are very bland. The extremely muted color palette compounds the overall lackluster look of the game.
Piloting can be frustrating and the multiple control schemes don't simplify matters by any means.
Music / Sound FX / Voice Acting
Featuring average voice acting, half-decent sound effects, and a generic score, the audio is forgettable.
Play Value
The actual gameplay doesn't live up to the insane customization options. Robot fans will love tweaking their mechs all day long, but once you get into the actual missions, you'll find there's barely any fun to be had.
Overall Rating - Poor
Not an average. See Rating legend above for a final score breakdown.

Armored Core For Answer Xbox 360 Iso Download Free

Game Features:

Xbox 360 Iso Download Free

  • Fight COLOSSAL military vehicles in beautiful, expansive environments.
  • Play almost any mission cooperatively with a friend online.
  • Influence the outcome of the war by choosing your own path and by selecting the factions you will help along your epic adventure.
  • Face ten uniquely designed types of GIANT mobile battle stations and engage ten other kinds of mechs in high velocity combat situations.
  • Customize your mech with hundreds of parts and weapons, a killer paint job, and decals, and find the right combination of weapons and armor that will help you take down COLOSSAL enemies.
  • With more than 130 new parts, enhance your mech to take on increasingly deadlier GIANT mobile battle stations.
  • Screen Resolution: Up to 1080p (Full HDTV, Widescreen).
  • Armored Core For Answer Xbox 360 Iso Download Windows 7